Matthew E. Minor Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Matthew E. Minor Scholarship Fund awards multiple scholarships annually (based on funds raised through donations) to graduating seniors Nationwide who want to work in the community to keep children safe from cyberbullying and other threats.
We Start Accepting Applications: July 1st
Application Submission Deadline: 3/1/2025
Approximate Scholarship Award Date: 4/1/2025
Scholarship Amounts: Varies (based on funds available)
Applicants can be a student graduating in the class of 2025.
Applicant must be accepted to a full-time college or university in the coming academic year.
Applicant must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
Special Provision for Awardees: A check in the awardee's name will be made out to and mailed to the College or University they will be attending.
Photos and likenesses of awardees will be used on our webpage foundation documents as content for the scholarship program and page.
Also, Please thoroughly answer the questions on the online application form, or your application will not be accepted for further consideration. We expect an applicant's response to each question to be as thorough as possible. Short responses to essay questions will not receive further consideration. The point is to understand each applicant better and evaluate their merits for a scholarship. The review committee cannot complete an evaluation with a short response to essay questions.
To apply for our scholarship, please click here.